Oh dear, I wish I could drown in the ocean of your thoughts so that I can fight your demons, and when the fight is over, send me a lifeboat so that I can kiss you in the most oceanic way.


"Never be enough."

Last night, I woke up in a dream land.
The dream land was filled with your and my thoughts.
But there was another Prince Charm in my dreamland.
And your eyes were set on that prince charm.
Oh, and I wish I could be that prince charm.

The charm of his smile is so bright.
That it undershined all of my efforts
My mind was filled with so many of your and my thoughts.
But now I can't imagine you without Prince Charm.
Oh, and I wish I could be that prince charm.

But in my dreamland, it's the warmth of your smile that matters.
So I stood by the sidelines to push you towards the prince charm.
Prince Charm offered his hands to you, and you grabbed his hands gently with your soft hands.
And my hands on my chest, My heart forgot to take a rest.
Meanwhile, she was taking rest with the prince charm.
And I stood by and wished.
Only if I could be that prince charm

And with that, I'll leave you with some lines.

We knew there was no escaping from the reality still living within our fantasy.


When it comes to defining your beauty, a stunted Shakespeare will have to persuade himself of his lack of words in order to write a beautiful sonnet


What is this cursed feeling that I have in my heart? Why does my heart want her more than I already have? Why do I want to keep getting hurt like that? It's like she is the most beautiful poison that I want to devour so that I can be immune to her.


She exists to cause the insomniatic dreams , The dreams where she is like a main character i never dared to write.


In this world of smartphones, I still want to write letters for you so that when we grow old and open the suitcase of our letters, the room will be filled with our loveĀ andĀ memories.


In me nothing is forgotten my love feeds your love and as long as we live it will be in your arm